Family, Friends, Fun

Friday, May 25, 2007

The newest members of our family...

Taylors' class had chicken eggs in incubators. Well, 5 of them hatched. Taylor told his teacher we could take them. I said "what? I don't know a thing about chickens!"
T got teary....OK. Let's see what dad says? Who knew Dad would say yes? They are actually very cute. If anyone wants to come hold a chicken, Let us know?!! We only got 2 of them. They will go to the Ranch after awhile, so we are not completely insane!

Meet Mary Jane.

And Venom. T's class must have all seen Spriderman 3!

for those of you looking....yes he is wearing a WB! Ugh.

Mike the Monkey

Anna Grace got to have her class mascot Mike the Monkey. He went everywhere with us. To Brownies and Jazz Hip/Hop. How cute are the little dancers. Anna got her costumes this week for her dance performance in June. They are adorable I can't wait to show the recital pictures!!


We went camping last weekend at Samuel P. Taylor campground. It was a beautiful place to camp, and really not very far from us. Imagine how excited my son was to see the campground name!

I have no idea how I ever camped without these chairs! LOL

Our beautiful campsite...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

May Fair Parade

The kids love being in the parade. This is the first year Anna was in it because she always likes to watch her brother.

Taylor was in the parade with his baseball team.

Anna Grace walked with her dance studio. They were so cute.
Getting ready to walk

my time stamp is not was actually May 12....

May Fair

One of the highlights of the year for our little town is the May Fair. The kids actually get out of school early on Friday to attend. They have carnival rides, animal shows, parades, concerts etc. etc. The kids love it!!

My Baby

Lost her first tooth!! She was so excited! Love the nails!!


I feel like Easter was along time ago, but I am still going to post a few pictures of Easter Morning.
Who hoo, what'd we get

My future's so bright.....

Coloring Easter Eggs


As some of you may know, we got a trailer for camping. We have one picture of our camping trip last month. We went to the Santa Cruz mountains. It was raining and beautiful. Does Anna look like she is camping in her plush bed???

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