Family, Friends, Fun

Thursday, October 26, 2006


It's True!! Disneyland is the happiest place on earth!! We had a great trip. We drove down Monday after the kids got out of school. We got there just in time for bed. Woke up Bright and Early Tuesday morning and it was on! We spent all day Tuesday, all day Wednesday, and until about 2:00 on Thursday then drove home. It was fast, but super fun! They had all their Halloween decorations up. Pretty cool!

Let's "consult" our list to make sure we aren't missing anything!!!

Its A Small World After All...


Awwww the Tea Cup ride!

We ate at Goofy's Kitchen for Dinner.
Can you see Taylor at least got "A" piece of fruit while we were in Disneyland?

My kids were not very interested in the characters walking around. You can tell by Anna's (aka spagetti face) face.

Boy Scout meeting.

We hosted our first Boy Scout meeting the other night. I just posted this cause I think they look too cute in their uniforms!

Anna's First Field Trip

Anna Grace had her first field trip on the school bus! Very exciting! They went to the pumpkin patch.

On the School bus with Amanda. Anna was very concerned there were no seatbelts!

The perfect pumpkin...

Anna's class.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

All he wants for Christmas

is his 2 front teeth! Taylor lost his other front tooth. He sure talks funny!

Driving Range

The family went to the driving range the other day. So fun! Anna didn't want to try out her new clubs so she chased golf balls instead. Gotta love her!!

Mom's and Anna's clubs. Look how cute her clubs are!

Taylor sent them flying!!

My Baby turned 5!!!

This is Anna being silly at her brothers soccer game on her birthday. She had a great birthday. Thank you to all the family and friends that made it so special!
We are truly blessed to have all of you!

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