Family, Friends, Fun

Sunday, September 02, 2007

More from the beach....

We went to the the beach with Gram for two weeks and had the best time! Thank you Gram for our awesome vacation! We spent most of the time on the beach boogie boarding, building sand castles etc. etc. We also did a lot of other stuff. Here is Tay and Anna out to dinner in Capitola. Yummy. Emma and Anna playing in the water!
Drew. So much fun.

Anna and Emma having fun!
Anna was so good on the boogie board!!

Cool Breeze.

Sarah in her bikini...

The Gianini's with Gram and Kim
Drew.. he is so cute!

We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

We had a bon fire! We went to the Boardwalk...

We fed the birds. These birds came from all around for some Wonder bread!

We fed the ducks at my Aunt Janet and Uncle Walt's house on the river in Captola. Nana came for the day. We went fishing,( Thanks to Uncle Doda!) Look at Anna's little fish!

Lots and Lots of fun!!!!


  • At 6:33 AM, Blogger Java Mom said… that does look like a fun two weeks!!!

    Love everything that you guys did !!

    Except for the feeding the birds part!!! Birds......ewwwwwww


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