Family, Friends, Fun

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Can't stop smiling....

Today was the first Day of school!!

Anna's First day of Kindergarten. She was a little nervous and excited. She was being a little bit of a stinker, but I got my new favorite picture of her...

Anna's desk. Her name is the top and a girl in the afternoon class, her name was Grace so they put them at the same desk. Worked out perfect!

Anna's First Day of school outfit, still out...she didn't wear it. LOL!

First day of First Grade. He was so excited to start school today. He was especially excited to bring his lunch! He said to me this morning, "Mom, do I have to eat my Ho Ho last?" "What if I run out of time and don't get a chance to eat my Ho Ho?" Such worries from a 1st grader!

He was so excited to find he had his own desk with his own folders!


  • At 2:09 PM, Blogger Bahama Mama said…

    I know Anna Grace was in prescheool last year but there is something different about them being in K. Can you say freeedom!!! Wait till next year!

  • At 5:42 PM, Blogger 3boysmom said…

    aawwww...AG's outfit looks sooo cute...on the couch! Hope the kids had a GREAT first day! And, mama too!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  • At 6:40 AM, Blogger Java Mom said…

    Love the whole Anna Grace name thing!!! Too cute!!!

    Taylor has a look in his eye....he's going to love first!!!

    Why are your kids so cute?


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